Only 3% of websites have security measures against hacking
There are about a billion official web pages on the Internet. Most of them are exposed to cyber attacks, since only 3% of these sites have encryption or encryption. This is what facilitates the cyber attack, due to the lack of security on the web, “according to Roxane Divol, Vice President and Director of Website Security, Symantec.
The Internet Security Threat Report (Symantec Internet Security Threat Report), confirms that five out of six large companies suffered cyber attacks in 2014, representing an increase of 40% over the previous year.
Google and other browsers have announced that websites that do not have encryption will appear in a lower position in the ranking of search results.
Symantec Corporation announced the worldwide availability of Encryption Everywhere, a security package for websites that is offered by hosting providers. Encryption Everywhere allows to integrate the encryption in the websites from the moment of its creation. Hosting companies can offer a variety of flexible options, including basic encryption for websites that are incorporated and a variety of higher security packages with increasingly robust levels of validation, protection and trustworthiness stamps for websites.
Symantec expects 100% of legitimate websites to have protection by 2018. With Encryption Everywhere this goal is expected to be achieved.
“Symantec is about to change the rules of the game of cybersecurity with Encryption Everywhere. It is time to provide security for all legitimate websites and restore Internet security for all consumers and businesses. That’s why Symantec makes it easier to protect each website from the time of registration or renewal, offering from basic encryption to complete security solutions for websites, “explained Divol.
Having security and encryption services will soon be essential for companies. Websites that wish to remain viable will need to use at least one basic encryption. Encryption Everywhere encrypts 100% of customer data that is shared on business websites, which gives companies valuable brand trust and gives customers the assurance that the information they share is assured and will arrive to the desired recipient.
Symantec will launch Encryption Everywhere along with several global web hosting partners, including InterNetX, one of the largest providers of domains, web space and hosting products for resellers.