Event management

The ITIL® Event Management process is in the operation phase of the service life cycle, in accordance with ITIL® best practices. Event Management monitors all important events, detecting and scaling exception conditions, contributing to normal operation of the service.

Event Management monitors all important events that occur in the operational service in order to anticipate problems, solve them or even prevent them.

In addition to detecting and notifying events, it is responsible for classifying and measuring its impact on the service. After the case is generated, it is responsible for documenting the event and referring it to the corresponding process, either to Incident Management or Problem Management, for decision making.

According to the scope of our EVENT MANAGEMENT AUTOMATION SERVICE, it contemplates evaluation, accompaniment for the adoption / adaptation and automation of the process, The evaluation includes training in Fundamentals ITIL® 2011 v3, that allows to identify improvements for the process, where it helps to the early detection of incidents or problems. In addition, it coordinates directly with other processes so that they react more quickly and enables the automatic monitoring of certain activities, which will help to prevent future incidents and minimize the impact of those events that are attended to on time.

With the help of tools such as OpManager, responsible for managing network performance, physical and virtual servers, bandwidth analysis, analysis and storage of firewall logs, IP address management and switch points, thus providing all the visibility and control you need over your network. Additionally, we have NetFlow Analyzer, a traffic analysis tool that offers real-time visibility into network bandwidth performance, offering a holistic view, as well as being a unified solution that collects. Analyze and generate reports.

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