Incident Management

The ITIL® Incident Management Process is in the Operation Phase of the Service Lifecycle according to the best ITIL® Practices, the main objective of which is to coordinate and carry out the activities and processes necessary to deliver and manage services to the users and customers of the business, according to the agreed levels, as well as to continuously manage the technology used to deliver and support services. The stage of operation of the ICT service is defined by five management processes, such as Events, Incidents, Compliance with Requests, Access and Problems.

The purpose of Incident Management is to restore the normal operation of the service as soon as possible and minimize the adverse impact on business operations, thus ensuring that the agreed quality levels are maintained. The scope of the INCIDENT MANAGEMENT SERVICE includes:

Training in ITIL Foundations, so that those involved in the management of the process, have a basic knowledge of these ITIL® Practices.

Evaluation, an information survey will be carried out to analyze the degree of maturity of the incident process as a baseline. This will allow contrasting it with the best ITIL® 2011 practice, identifying the gaps with respect to the objective. Results report and Roadmap will be delivered with actions to close gaps, as well as strategic, tactical and operational recommendations, including the identification and execution of early victories, that allow our clients to improve some of the activities of the process quickly.

Accompaniment, is to guide the client on the actions, identified in the Road Map, which must be executed to close the gaps. This ends with the execution of early victories and functional specifications for the automation of the Incident Management Process.

Automation, the Incident Management process can be automated, according to the functional specifications previously defined and under the ITIL® 2011 reference framework, by installing, configuring and transferring operational knowledge of the ServiceDesk Plus tool and endorsed by Pink Elephant.

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