Problem Management

The Problem Management Process is in the Operation Phase in the service life cycle according to the best ITIL® Practices. For effective and efficient management of the Services, it is necessary to minimize the recurrence of incidents and problems that may partially or totally interrupt their execution and their negative impact on the business..

During the scope of our PROBLEM MANAGEMENT SERVICE, a Training in Fundamentals of ITIL® Best Practices will be conducted in the first instance in order to standardize the language and terminology we will use during our Service. Afterwards, an evaluation of the Process will be carried out, in order to determine the current situation of the activities carried out in our client related to this Process and contrast them with the best ITIL® 2011 practices, which will allow us to identify improvement actions. Then the Accompaniment will be carried out for the actions identified.

The automation of the problem management process is based on a knowledge database and the relevant documentation that allows the identification and timely solution of the root cause that generates them, which helps the future prevention of service problems. minimize interruption times. This automation is achieved through ITSM software tools such as ServiceDesk Plus that allow activities to be carried out according to the ITIL® Processes.

An adequate management of problems will allow to improve the effectiveness and efficiency in the services, reducing the recurrence of the incidents and guaranteeing a greater continuity of the same.

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