
The SOFTWARE and its SERVICES framed our beginnings. But our growth has been loaded with motivating experiences. The best of them was when we met, years ago, ITIL® processes, that dazzled us and fascinated us. That there was a guide to the BEST PRACTICES as providing SERVICES was the perfect couple we were looking for. Automating the management of ITIL® processes using SOFTWARE is now our main business.

We have understood that listening to our customers is the thermometer that tells us how to improve day by day.

Our team is the main asset we have, so we have devoted special attention to develop it and keep it motivated. Among the values ​​we decided to cultivate are Teamwork, Customer Orientation, Orientation to Excellence and Productivity.

The best link we have had with our customers has been our business philosophy, we are taking the best ITIL® practices beyond a process manual. We see the practical side of the processes and in a simple way we help our clients to its implementation, through software tools. Finally achieving the automation of your company’s processes under the “Best Practices of ITIL®”.

In our market there are consulting companies that can help you define your Processes by complying with Reference Frameworks, Standards, Models and Methodologies such as ITIL®, ISO 20,000, ISO 9000, ISO 27000, CMMI, COBIT, and other companies focus on software . We achieve the synergy of these 2 worlds. In a practical way we take the best ITIL® Practices and implement them in software platforms, achieving their automation.

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